For the application of a preregistration to the Turkish Teaching Center (TÖBİR/TTC) at the Turkish World Research Institute Of Ege University:

1. Photocopy of passport pages containing your name and surname, passport number, father’s name and date of birth. (If the passport does not include the father’s name, this information must be shared)

2. A receipt for depositing the preregistration fee of 350 Dollar into the account shown below . This fee will be deducted from the the final registration fee.

Fiil in the form for online registration. Click for registration form.

Those who do not want to register online can register at Ege TÖBİR secretariat.

Bank: Ziraat Bankası Ege Tıp Şubesi

Account Name: Ege Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü DSS

IBAN : TR44 0001 0014 4697 8698 9350 01



Please submit a copy of your passport, and two portraits for final registration. Also, those who want to enroll in TTC must fill in the “Student Registration Form” that is presented by the secretarial of TTC. You can find a table showing course fees and course schedule below.

Bank account information for payment: 

Bank: Ziraat Bankası Ege Tıp Şubesi

Account Name: Ege Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü DSS

IBAN : TR44 0001 0014 4697 8698 9350 01



Placement Test for pre-registration/pre-registration students and Turkish Proficiency (Exemption) Exam for final-registered students are free of charge.

Institute of Turkish World Studies Board will give a discount to students who are from any Turkic countries and/or has a document that shows s/he is Turkish. 

Those who have paid for the preregistration or final registration fees will not be paid back in the event that they do not attend to courses for any reason.

Pre-Registration Fee350 $
Level Determination Exam Fee50 $
Turkish Proficiency Exam100 $
Turkish Proficiency Exam (for candidates applying to Ege University graduate programs)50 $
Academic Turkish : 280 $
CourseCourse Fee20% Discounted Fares  (Turkish Discount)*
A1 Course350 Dollar280 Dollar
A2 Course350 Dollar280 Dollar
B1 Course350 Dollar280 Dollar
B2 Course350 Dollar280 Dollar
C1 Course350 Dollar280 Dollar
Calculating Multiple Exchange Purchases
CourseDiscounted Total for Turkish Non-Siluents. ( Bulk Exchange Purchase )
A1-C1 (5 Course)1.125 Dollar
Pre-Registration Fee350 Dollar
Turkish Proficiency Exam100 Dollar
 Turkish Proficiency Exam (for candidates applying to Ege University graduate programs)50 Dollar  
Level Determination Exam Fee50 Dollar
Akademic Turkish:280 Dollar
*20% discount is applied to candidates who are citizens of Turkish states (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus), who have a Turkish descent certificate or whose spouse is a citizen of the Republic of Turkey. There is no additional discount for bulk exchange purchases for students who fall into this scope.
Account info :
Banka: Ziraat Bankası Ege Tıp Şubesi
Hesap Adı: Ege Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Döner Sermaye İşletme Müdürlüğü
Hesap Numarası: 1446/7216893-5056
IBAN: TR44 0001 0014 4697 8698 9350 01